LISTEN TO YOUR FAV MUSIC Got your music on your PC? Apple iTunes have you covered.ORGANIZE it allows the users to organize their entertainment library on the go.BROWSE Browse through a massive list of entertainment and find what you are looking for.Your music, your movies, your fav TV shows and much more all packed inside this software. ACCESS TO DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT this software from Apple has got a whole massive digital entertainment packed inside.EASY USAGE & UPDATES Apple iTunes 12.9.2 is really easy to use and its readily available updates make it even easy for the users to use and enjoy what they have been missing in their iPhone devices.Apart from providing you with your ultimate entertainment elements, the software has got enough to make you fall in love with it. The program is free, so it is indispensable for owners of phones, tablets and players from Apple.The Apple iTunes 12.9.2 comes packed with loads of features that you will love. "ITunes has a nice interface and many other functions. When buying or importing a file, it is immediately transferred to all connected devices. Use iCloud to automatically synchronize your library between all your devices. There is a function that allows you to automatically create playlists with the same theme or track mood.

ITunes plays videos and music in many formats. Each track can be rated from 1 to 5 stars. Then you can quickly search for tracks and create playlists from them.

All the content you buy in the store or import from discs is immediately placed in the library. It can also be synced with devices such as iPad, iPhone and iPod. In iTunes, you can add files from your hard drive, music and videos from optical drives, and buy content from the Apple Store. ITunes is a program that lets you keep all your videos and music in one place, organize all your tracks and videos, and play them back.