Dit programma maakt het mogelijk om onder meer onlinevergaderingen, conferenties en colleges bij te wonen. Run the following command and enter your admin password when prompted to continue installation: sudo zypper install zoom_openSUSE_x86_64.Versie 5.13 van de videoconferencingsoftware Zoom is uitgekomen. If you find the CLI approach better, open the terminal and navigate to the directory where you downloaded the Zoom client file. When prompted, hit Accept to install Zoom along with all its dependencies. Next, right-click on it and select Open With > Install/Remove Software. Then, open your system's file manager and head to the directory where you saved the RPM file. To install the Zoom client using the GUI, head over to the Zoom Download Center and download the RPM installer file by selecting openSUSE from the dropdown menu.

Just like other Linux distros, installing Zoom on openSUSE is also pretty easy, and you can either use the graphical package manager or the terminal approach for this. Of course, these are just some of the advantages of using the Zoom client, and there are numerous other upsides to using it that you can benefit from in your everyday use.

Why Should You Install the Zoom Client?Īs mentioned before, the ease of use offered by the Zoom client is one of its major advantages. Follow along as we discuss the benefits of using the Zoom desktop client over its web counterparts and walk you through the steps to install it on your Linux computer.