It is recommended that the seller and purchaser come into the Lubbock County Tax Assessor-Collector’s Office to transfer the title for the vehicle. Additional information may be required prior to issuance of the requested special plate. You can find applications for these plates at MyPlates.

Customers may apply for collegiate and military plates at the Lubbock County Tax Assessor-Collector’s Office. You may apply for personalized and special plates at M yPlates. How do I obtain personalized or other special plates?

More information, and forms, can be found on the TxDMV website. To obtain placards or ISA plates your physician must fill out and notarize the Application for Persons with Disabilities Parking Placard and/or provide a written prescription. Temporary placards are issued for six-month periods and are $5 each placard. Customers wanting to exchange regular issue plates for ISA plates must bring in the registration sticker for the vehicle the plates will be added to. There is a $.50 fee to exchange regular issue license plates for ISA license plates. There is no fee for permanent placards, and they are issued for four-year periods. Texas residents may obtain two permanent placards, or one permanent placard and one set of plates displaying the international symbol of access. How can I obtain handicap placards or license plates? The fee for replacement license plates and/or a registration sticker is $6.50. If you are replacing license plates you will need to remove the registration sticker from your windshield and bring it with you. You may obtain replacement plates and registration stickers at the Lubbock County Tax Assessor-Collector’s Office. What should I do if I need a replacement license plate or registration sticker?